Sunday, May 11, 2008

Healthy Wellness Fitness and all that other Crap

You know, I am so tired of people giving medical advice. Especially about my health. What gets me more is many of these people don't even have a medical degree, let alone the medical background I have (Thank you Uncle Sam). Enough about me.

On to all this healthy talk. First off we all started to die the day we were born. Once you accept this fact life is good. You begin to realize the beauty and wonder of life. Second, no one really knows when they will die. If they do then maybe they should apply for a job as the Messiah. Once you accept this fact, you wont have to worry about other people and their health. In fact, you may begin to spend more time focusing on your own. The third thing is even the healthiest people die.

Shocker isn't it! How can this be? Simple... Life. In case you haven't noticed it, the human body can be very fragile. The smallest most undetected thing, or even something common in all of us could contribute to our early demise. A lot of people have blebs, they are like small blisters on your lungs. When one of these rupture it feels very painful and like the wind was knocked out of you. Doctors usually give patients something for the pain and bed rest. On rare occasions fluid can enter into the chest cavity and without proper treatment the person can die. We have also all heard stories of people dieing from heart problems that had previously been undetected. Marathon runner dies from stroke or something like that. You could also get into an accident and die from your injuries. So there, even the best and worse of us can pass on from any unknown reason. Why does one lifelong smoker live well into their 80's while another one in their 30's ends up with lung cancer and dies? Life.

Why we are so concerned with health bugs me. I think we should be concerned with quality or quantity. Yes, being healthy plays a role in all of this. But if you were to ask someone who is dieing prematurely they might be more concerned with quality than quantity. They know their life is being cut short and they are probably going to live as much of it as they can to the fullest of their ability. Someone else might have suffered a heart attack or some other health scare that causes them to reevaluate their life style and personal health. This person may be more concerned with quantity. The health scare was enough to make them realize that maybe they want to be around to see their kid graduate or get married. Maybe they just aren't ready to call it quits.

OK, I know I am rambling and venting. But I think if we all just took a moment to sit back, smell the coffee, and decide to live life. I think we would be happier. Just wake up and seize the day, live for that day as if it was the last day. Do you really want the last thing someone remembers about you, is how you ragged on them about their health? Would you feel superior if the person you ragged on died after you spoke to them? Did you ever consider that the coworker you are ragging on may feel that it contributes to a hostile workplace? You know they might. Maybe they just think it is just plain rude. Why can't you see past these things? Maybe they decided to let a few people in on their health issues not because they need or want your advice. Maybe it is so an EMT will know what to do for them in case the are incapacitated. People have died from being given meds that didn't mis well with what they were already taking.

Healthy talk is fine. I just would like us all to consider the other person's feelings before we start giving unsolicited advice.

Thanks for letting me rant!

Remember to smile and laugh, it is your greatest gift to give.


library chicken said...

Hear, hear! Unsolicited advice of any kind usually drives me crazy. If i want to know what you think, I'll ask, thankyouverymuch.

My uncle was a very fit, health conscious regular exerciser. He had very painful cancer for several years before finally dying at 50. His brother, a decades-long smoker, is not in great shape, but he's still alive. You're right, that's called life. Might as well enjoy it.

Sarai said...

Oh, sweetie, when you get on a rant you can't spell worth crap. I still love you muchly.