Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Well it has been awhile since I posted. I did delete a post in case you were wondering. I can do that. It's my blog. No one commented on it and I thought it may have been in poor taste. I feel better now that it is gone.

I am dabbling with the idea of creating a new blog. Two actually. This one specifically for posting ITS things. Change the name of it from Eclectic Thoughts to ACPL IT Guy. I will use it for an ad hoc place to comment on projects I am working on or thoughts I might have to improve my work flow. A place to rant about such things as 'My PCRes Hell'. But keep it upbeat and silly.

Now the two new ones would be a bit more opinionated. Not that this blog isn't. One would focus on my political opinions. I would allow anonymous posting. As long as everyone was respectful. I mean if you can't express your opinion with respect toward anyone who may read or hear them, then maybe they shouldn't be expressed. That will be the motto for that site. It will still be a lot of rambling and hoopla over little stuff.

The second new one would be more personal. A place where friends and family can go to see what I may be up too. I warn you though. I may end up making me out to be 5'11, 165lbs, with an athletic build. A self made millionaire by day and ladies man by night. HA! now if that wouldn't be a load of you know what. See just trying to have fun.

Life should be fun. As adults we forget to have fun. Fun for us is going out and tossin' back a few cold ones. Catching whatever game is on TV, and spending time with your girl (wink wink).

Then one day you sit back and realize your not having fun, or at least you thought you were having fun. I mean the beer is good, your team is on a winning streak, and your madly in love with your girl and the sex is great. But there's something missing. You know what it is. Play. We adults have forgotten how to play. Why can't we find time in our daily routine to play and have fun. Get silly. Laugh just for the sake of laughing. WOW! Call me silly, a dork, immature, or whatever derogatory word that comes to mind. But try it. Lock yourself in your office, or when you get home go out to the garage. Put a big smile on your face and just start laughing. Laugh like you never had before. Like it was going to be the last time you get to laugh, forever. DO IT. IT'S FUN! Besides, you will thank yourself for it.

Then go out and play. Play like you were a kid again. You may look like 40 and feel like 80, but who in this world said you couldn't play like you were 7 again? NO ONE that's who.

So go my grasshoppers, laugh, play, and have fun. Life is beautiful!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for stopping by.


Jen said...

I like having numerous blogs, because I find I can organize thoughts better that way. Enjoy!

library chicken said...

Play! I like it!