Friday, February 29, 2008

Wellness @ ITS

ITS is taking a proactive approach to promoting Health & Wellness. Four from ITS have either served on, or are currently on the ACPL Wellness Committee. So it wasn't hard for us to begin a discussion about Health & Wellness during a staff meeting. One of the things we discussed is trying to find healthier things to snack on. Vi came up with the idea that we could try this within our department.

Next thing you know we had a healthy snack bar. Healthy items like granola bars, fruit, and bottled water are for sale for 25 cents. We are actually making a profit and plan to use the proceeds to treat the entire department to a "healthy" lunch at the end of the year.

For some it may just be more convenient than healthy. For those of us who use the computer lab, on the first floor, as a temporary office it can become healthy. In order to take advantage of our snack bar I have to walk upstairs. Not a big workout. But in the long run there are pay offs. One, I am getting more exercise than going to the vending machines in the break room on the first floor. Two, I am saving money. The vending machines have 20oz of bottled water for a buck. We sell 16oz for a quarter.

The other thing we did was a "Healthy" recipe exchange and carry in. All the departments at the Data Center participated in this. It was a really neat thing and you can read my write up about this on the ACPL Wellness blog.

Hopefully other departments and branches will take a look at what we have tried and give it a go themselves.


Ian said...

This is a great idea that has a lot going for it. I'm not an organizer of stuff like this, but I'll certainly bring it up with people who are!

Sarai said...

Great idea! Waynedale used to do something like this where they sold mini chocolate bars for a quarter and used the money for our adopted family charity drive at the end of the year. I always thought it was a good use of money and a good way to earn it.

This is cool because not only is it better for you, but you also all get rewarded at the end of the year. Fun! :)